
Friday, 17 February 2017

Today's the day!

You know how there are some things which just take you back... to another place, another time, perhaps even another love? Well one of those songs for me, is Me &Mrs Jones.

Now I know that's a strange choice for a woman, as it's basically about a man who is in love with another man's wife, but it's more about the slow, smooth tempo of the song, and how the melody seems to get right into my heart, than about the lyrics.

That's why I was so excited to discover that the legendary Roy G. Hemmings, [formerly of The Drifters] is performing at the Birmingham REP theatre on the 14th July.

He's running a fabulous line-up of songs, including Love Train, My Girl and loads of others you will instantly recognise. I know I'll be there in the audience, toe-tapping and singing along, will you?

The other reason I'm excited today, is that today's the day that my newest novel, Ascension, comes out. Like an anxious mother waving goodbye to her child on his or her first day of school, I am anxious that Ascension is loved by everyone; that everyone likes and respects it...

Honestly, it's the strangest feeling. People often ask if I am proud when I release a new book. Well for the parents amongst you, do you remember the first time you took your child out in public? How you wanted to show him or her to the whole world, yet also protect them from any harm the big bad world might represent? You do? Well that's exactly how I feel today.

So if you see me out and about today - please be gentle!

And, as ever, happy reading! x

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