
Wednesday, 11 September 2013

A real honour!

I have had a special invitation extended to me...I have been asked to conduct a book signing at the Women of Year Luncheon and Awards Ceremony, at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole Hotel.

I am so thrilled and honoured to have been chosen, not least because I never put myself forward for this but was asked to be present.

Women from all over Britain will be attending and the A list status of the speakers alone, is enough to make your throat clench in excitement and anticipation!

And then there will be little 'ol me doing a book signing!

I'm sure the female readers amongst you can imagine what is going through my head, from what to wear to how many books to bring along. And this is on top of the sci-fi book signing I am attending next week!

It is brought a realisation to me however. We all have a tendency to think that what is currently going on in our lives is plain to see but the truth is so much deeper. Each of us is involved and intertwined  in infinitesimal ways with numerous other lives. So much so that we only ever see the very tip of the iceberg and that often just before we impact it.

I have learned that there is much going on behind the scenes that involves me but that I have yet to hear about and I believe that is a universal truth for all of us.

So if there is one thing that comes from all of this, it is that you don't know what lies ahead.

Just keep the faith. x

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