
Sunday, 4 October 2015


I am so, so excited!

Last night I was at the BritAsia awards ceremony, in a VIP seating area at a table close to the stage, after a session of meeting and greeting the stars.

What a wonderful experience! And I met some fabulously creative people. More about that later when the photos arrive.

Today, I am brimming over with excitement at my invitation to attend the Women of the Year Luncheon Awards next week, both for the event and accompanying meal and also to perform book signings. Little 'ol me who walks the dogs in her scruffy jeans, no makeup on and her hair in a pony tail...who'd have thought it?

So today, when I am painting the ceilings of my filthy new house and cleaning the bathrooms of my not-quite-so-filthy old house, I shall be singing to myself. And the tune I will be singing, well I'll let you guess that one!

Happy Reading! x

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