
Thursday, 15 March 2018

Special people and their winning ways.

I have spent the last two days in the company of some very special people and I have to say that I am humbled.

Whilst I can't tell you too much about any of them, as plans are afoot for me to work with each of them, in different ways, I will give you what I can.

Each of the three people has made their field their own, striven and fought to get to where they are - but none more than a lady I hope to call my newest friend.

Awarded an OBE for her services, she has possibly one of the finest brains I have ever met, wrapped up in a spirited, empathetic and warm personality. Between us, I hope we can tell her story to the world.

So please excuse me if I have been a little absent from this blog, but now you see part of the reason why, perhaps you'll excuse me.

I'll let you know more when I can. x

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