Saturday 11 August 2018

Time flies - whether you're having fun or not...

Time is elusive. I've always known that.

Even as a young child I was aware of how it slipped away from me. Perhaps that's because I've always had so much to do, so much I wanted to achieve.

More than half a century later, I feel no different. There is still so much to do, so much I want to experience and even less time than there was before, to achieve it in.

I'm impatient for new experiences, to stand on fresh ground that my feet have never before trodden, to meet new adventures and to go to bed drunk on a day well-lived...

But for now my reality is the same as it is for many mothers in the UK - go through the kids' old school uniform, sort through last year's clothes, and prepare for the coming school year. So humdrum. So necessary.

Yet the internet and social media is full of slogans that urge us to live for the moment, to cast of the shackles of domesticity in favour of adventure. Excuse me whilst I just step over this pile of dirty laundry and be on my way to the mysteries of Machu Picchu... No? So let's get real then.

Chores have to be done, responsibilities have to be tended to. And then, maybe, just maybe, I can find a time to fit in all the spirit-enhancing stuff I'd like to do. And let's face it, you are probably in the same scenario as me. Are you going to cast aside your family and go off on a Shirley Valentine adventure? Thought not, appealing as that might be.

So, back to the drawing board, or in my case the newest chapter of my current book and next scenes in the screenplay. And it's not so bad. As a writer I can live vicariously through my characters. And boy, do they whoop it up!

So if you're feeling in need of adventure, you know where to turn. Try one of my books today.

Happy reading.

Sunday 5 August 2018

Sign me up!

Ooh exciting times!

I have just signed two contracts for work, and am about to sign another. I'm like a dog with two tails!

The projects are a little top-secret right now, but what I can tell you, is that one of them is for an adaptation of another writer's book for screen, and one is a publishing deal for one of my own books.

There is of course a lot of work involved - but then I'm hardly a stranger to that.

With 20 books and several screenplays of my own, I know what it's like to knuckle down, and luckily I love my job.

And rest assured, as soon as I can tell you more, I will.

Until then - happy reading!